Public school : গ্রেটব্রিটেনেরে বেতনগ্রাহী বেসরকারি বোর্ডি স্কুল;
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public health  public holiday  public law  public life  public loan  public sale  public school  publicly  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Add to (বৃদ্ধি করা, যোগ করা): The doll-dance in the exhibition added to our pleasure.
Avail (oneself) of(সুযোগের স্বব্যবহার করা): I shall avail myself of the first trip to London tomorrow.
Die of, for, from (মারা যাওয়া): He died of cholera. He died for his country. He died from an injury.
Sad at (দুঃখিত): All his colleagues were very sad at his transfer from this place.
Sorry for (দুঃখিত): He is sorry for his misdeeds.
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At a snail's pace (very slowly – খুব ধীর গতিতে) The economy of Bangladesh is growing at a snail’s pace.
In black and white – (লিখিতভাবে) – Put forward your proposal in black and white.
Out of date (সেকেলে): This fashion is out of date.
Without fail (অবশ্যই) - You must attend the meeting without fail.
With a lavish hand (মুক্ত হস্তে)— Give away something with a lavish hand.